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China's M&A market saw 67 deals completed in May. Machinery manufacturing was favored

【 Huicong Machinery Industry Network 】 According to Zerotec database statistics, a total of 67 M&A transactions were completed in China's M&A market in May, of which 56 were disclosed, with a total value of 4.922 billion US dollars. The number of M&A cases was essentially unchanged from the previous month.
In terms of industry, in terms of the number of merger and acquisition cases, machinery manufacturing industry tops the list with 12 completed cases. In terms of the amount of mergers and acquisitions, the entertainment and media industry was the most prominent, with only one case revealing the amount, which was $2.6 billion, accounting for 52.9% of the total amount of mergers and acquisitions disclosed in May.
In May, a total of 51 domestic mergers and acquisitions were completed, accounting for 76.1% of the total number of mergers and acquisitions, of which 44 cases were disclosed with the disclosed amount of $955 million. By sector, M&A cases completed in May were mainly distributed in 19 tier 1 sectors, including machinery manufacturing, biotechnology/healthcare, energy and mining, real estate, chemical raw materials and processing, construction/engineering, telecommunications and value-added services. In terms of the number of M&A cases, the machinery manufacturing industry ranked first, with 12 cases completed. The biotechnology/healthcare industry ranked second, with 7 cases completed; Real estate ranked third, with six cases completed.
In May, a total of 10 overseas mergers and acquisitions were completed, of which 9 were disclosed, with the disclosed amount of 3.823 billion dollars. There were 6 foreign mergers and acquisitions, 3 of which disclosed the amount of $143 million. The disclosed amount of 16 cross-border mergers and acquisitions accounted for 80 percent of the total amount disclosed in May. Overseas mergers and acquisitions are mainly distributed in the machinery manufacturing, energy and mining, construction/engineering and other seven tier 1 industries. In the energy and mining industry, the highly anticipated acquisition of Canadian listed company GBK by Gene Nickel was officially completed.
In May, a total of six foreign mergers and acquisitions were completed, mainly distributed in five first-level industries such as finance, electronic and optoelectronic equipment and entertainment media. Source China industry safety guide network