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After three years to cut construction machinery to welcome the opportunity

"Vast world, promising!" With this sentence to describe the current construction machinery industry is appropriate! From policy support to market development, the construction machinery industry has been in the trough for a long time in recent days.
Policy "support", first of all, Wen Jiabao held the executive meeting of the State Council put forward the "steady growth" requirements, through the guarantee of various infrastructure construction for the construction machinery in the policy escort; Then there is the decision by the People's Bank of China to cut the benchmark lending and deposit rates. The decision, which combines "stabilizing growth" with "promoting economic transformation", will help stimulate the economy and in the long run will allow bank profits to flow into manufacturing.
And the expansion of market space, before the first sco member states actively the international road transport facilitation agreement through negotiations, the determination of the cooperation intention, will make the connection between the sco member states become more closely, in the field of transportation, and even financial, housing construction, energy and other fields will have a more in-depth cooperation; During Russian President Vladimir Putin's visit to China, the two sides plan to sign 17 bilateral documents covering transportation, economy, energy, tourism and other fields. In addition, since the beginning of this year, Chinese legions have "collectively" participated in overseas exhibitions, such as exhibitions in France, Brazil and Russia. Almost every overseas exhibition has Chinese elements, which makes the road of Chinese construction machinery's overseas market development more and more smooth...
This information comes from China construction machinery trade website http://www.21-sun.com