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In 2012, construction machinery will show the development trend of "former low and then stable"

In the first year of the 12th Five-Year Plan, although China's construction machinery industry experienced a sharp market turn of "high before low", it finally withstood the severe test of macro-control. The annual sales revenue increased by about 17%, showing a strong vitality.
In 2012, the construction machinery industry will present a development trend of "low before high" or "low before stable". The annual sales revenue will still grow steadily, which is expected to increase by about 12% compared with 2011.
Qi Jun, president of China Construction Machinery Industry Association, pointed out that the inflection point of the national macroeconomic policy is still to be observed as a result of the gradual withdrawal of part of the stimulus economic policies and the impact of a series of macro-control policies, such as the active fiscal policy and the prudent monetary policy. The production and sales growth rate of related products in China's construction machinery industry still needs a long rational regression process. From the macro situation as well as domestic and international market analysis, it is expected that the trend of China construction machinery in 2012 will show the trend of "first low and then high", and the annual sales revenue will still grow steadily, which is expected to increase by about 12% compared with 2011. Of course, the key depends on the strength of the state's macro-control and the scale of its fiscal and financial policies. There are large uncertainties.
From the experience of previous national macro-control, the regulation and control gradually spread from the downstream industry of construction machinery to the upstream industry, and the influence of regulation and control from the real estate, infrastructure construction, mining and other fields to the construction machinery, building materials and other fields. The construction machinery industry is in the middle and upper reaches of the whole industrial chain. When the construction machinery industry is affected by macro-control to a certain extent, the macro-control policies will generally begin to relax and gradually slow down, and the impact of the construction machinery industry is basically superficial.
2011, however, seems different. Unexpected from April began to fell more than 30% of the dropped sharply, as well as raw materials and labor costs rise, lack of core technology, energy conservation and emissions reduction of pressure and difficulties, especially the wave of world famous engineering machinery enterprises to break into the Chinese market is still growing, the domestic market internationalization, the international market of domestic pattern basic formation, China's construction machinery market "inflection point" seems to have been basically confirmed by the industry, the development of the future construction machinery industry began to appear some people doubt, some people are optimistic, some people sing the phenomenon of decline.
In this regard, Qi Jun has his own unique views: "We must clearly realize that the current market problems are temporary, is a developing problem, will not affect the long-term development of China's construction machinery industry. China construction machinery industry is a sunrise industry, technology content and high concentration, difficulty of access is opposite bigger, the future market demand will be to develop in the direction of high-end, intelligent, industry also will be more and more standard, the adjustment of the current for each key enterprises in the industry brings a rare opportunity of hard skills, companies should not be to scale and speed of the hero, To pursue internal growth and innovative development, with an international perspective to meet the future market opportunities and challenges."
Long Guojian, vice president of China Construction Machinery Industry Association, pointed out when looking into the future development of construction machinery that Germany and Japan also experienced a period of crisis and difficulties after World War II, but they overcame the past and maintained a relatively fast pace of development. China's urbanisation rate is only about where Japan was in the 1960s, a period during which construction giants such as Komatsu took advantage of a huge increase in urbanisation from the 1960s to the 1990s. There will be no problem for China to sustain rapid development for 50 years. The premise is that under the leadership of the Party, the mechanism and system should not change, and the strategy with economic development as the core should not change.
Although since 2010, due to the implementation of austerity fiscal policy, the domestic construction machinery industry after leap-forward development turned into a downturn, the industry is difficult to have an explosive growth, but under the support of multiple positive factors will not appear a big decline.
"Twelfth five-year" period, the state of rural highway construction investment will exceed 200 billion yuan, the civil aviation infrastructure construction will reach 425 billion yuan, in the next 10 years of water conservancy investment will reach 4 trillion yuan, housing investment will exceed one trillion yuan in the next five years, the huge investment in infrastructure planning means that construction machinery industry still has a broad space for development.