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China's mining machinery industry will move toward the international high-end market

China's mining machinery industry has always been the pillar industry of the national economy, which has an important impact on the development of the country. With the support and guidance of national policies, mining machinery industry will deepen reform, actively adjust the industrial and product structure, change the mode of economic growth, etc., to the international high-end market stage.
Recently, the People's Bank of China announced that it will cut the benchmark interest rates of RMB deposits and loans for financial institutions. The one-year benchmark deposit and lending rates of financial institutions will be lowered by 0.25 percentage points, and the benchmark interest rates of other grades of deposits and loans and personal housing provident fund will be adjusted accordingly. This measure will drive the pace of the development of market economy. In order to provide market competitiveness, mining machinery enterprises will improve the production quality and technical content of machinery and equipment. At the same time, the development of new energy, energy conservation and emission reduction and other emerging industries has also become a necessary factor for the mining machinery industry to further improve the design and manufacturing technology and the application level of information technology.
China's mining machinery is the foundation of the country to establish an independent industrial system, in the process of tending to grow and mature, has stepped into the mining machinery production, consumption and import of the big country. Although part of the design and manufacturing level has entered the international advanced ranks, but as a whole, China's mining machinery and equipment are mostly in the middle and low level, with a large but not strong weakness. Therefore, China's mining machinery industry should enhance the ability of independent innovation, speed up the research and development and market development of high-end mining machinery, crusher equipment, ore processing equipment and its components.
The "12th Five-Year Plan" and the "Transformation and Upgrade" plan of the mining machinery industry will stimulate the enthusiasm of technological transformation and equipment renewal of enterprises. As a leading role in the mining machinery industry, Shanghai Xiazhou Heavy Industry has been committed to the innovative research and development of high quality and efficient jaw crusher, cone crusher, mobile crusher and other crusher equipment, and constantly tries to optimize equipment technology, produce high-performance crusher equipment, and strive to create a new channel for machinery to accelerate forward. The mining machinery industry will be brought to the direction of standardization, automation, specialization, refinement and informatization, highlighting the high-end and differentiated development of the industry.